The Bulletin Board is your place to find classes, ongoing programs, job listings, local contests, scholarships, and other opportunities. Events (one time & unique happenings) are also posted on the calendar.

Common Roots Film Panel

Common Roots is a short documentary that shows how the East Boston community comes together in the face of gentrification, food insecurity, and climate change by growing food with Eastie Farm. Check it out here!

In the wake of Coronavirus, this message is more important than ever. When we grow our own food, we can support each other through difficult times. On Saturday, May 9th at 3PM EST, the filmmakers will host a panel discussion on community resiliency during COVID, featuring Eastie Farm director Kannan Thiruvengadam, City Life/Vida Urbana community organizer Gabriela Cartagena, and Reclaim Seed NYC founder Jacqueline Pilati. If you wish to attend, please RSVP. Follow them for updates @commonrootsfilm on Facebook and Instagram.

The Empowerment Grant for Small Businesses

Dear Friend,

If you own a small business in Massachusetts, you can benefit from this opportunity!

The Empowerment Grant for Small Businesses serves as a funding opportunity to support the needs of Massachusetts small businesses amid the COVID-19 outbreak in the spring of 2020. Grants will be focused on small business owners serving Massachusetts Gateway Cities.

Applicants can request up to $2,500 for needs related to continuing operation during and/or after the COVID-19 outbreak. Applications will be open until May 29th so don’t hesitate to apply!

Eligible applicants must be…

  • In operation for at least one year
  • Registered in a Massachusetts Gateway City
  • Considered a “small business” 

Apply For A Small Business Grant

Should you have any questions, please email us at

Your Friends at the Office of Economic Empowerment

CONNECT Service Hotline


CONNECT Service Hotline has officially expanded. In addition to SNAP, Unemployment, and technology assistance, we are now staffed and ready to assist with:

 – Applying for RAFT Emergency Rental Funds

 – FREE tax preparation (VITA) services





Outdoors Rx presents Flowers Are Still Blooming!

Happy May! While you might not exactly be in a celebratory mood, we think it’s important to celebrate the beauty of spring. Flowers and plants aren’t taking time off to quarantine, and we should be grateful they’re bringing a little beauty into our worlds right now.

We’ve been busy here at Outdoors Rx, moving much of our programming online. In the past month we’ve:

  • Put together a series of Outdoors Rx At Home Challenges where families can complete challenges on their own and earn regular Outdoors Rx program badges
  • Created videos to go along with challenges
  • Begun holding virtual nature art sessions for families
  • Disseminated a resource guide aimed at our communities in Framingham, Waltham, Boston, Chelsea, and Revere

One positive part of this pandemic is seeing our mission in action. Folks are constantly being told to get outdoors, but only in their yard or neighborhood; this is hard for many people, but Outdoors Rx families are champions of neighborhood nature. They’re taking this in stride, proving to us how resilient they are, and we could not be more proud.

We are grateful to all our partners who are essential workers—grocery store employees, farmers, pharmacists, scientists, janitorial staff, healthcare workers, and so many more. We are here for you and your families, so please let us know if there’s anything we can do to support you.

Yours From the Outdoors,
Leah and Cassie


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