The Struggle Continues – Upcoming City Hall Gallery Exhibit

The Struggle Continues – Coming Up to the City Hall Gallery for Black History Month

We’re excited to invite you to the opening night of our City Hall gallery exhibit in partnership with the Chelsea Black Community – CBC, featuring the powerful work of local artist Towana Wright.The Struggle Continues is a visual exploration of America
and its inability to live up to its promise: “That All Men Are Created Equal.”

Join us for an evening of art, soul food, and community as we kick off Black History Month. We’ll also take a moment to reflect on the significance of this time.

Let’s gather together, support local talent, and celebrate culture.

La lucha continúa: exposición en la galería del City Hall en el Mes de la Herencia Afroamericana.

Nos complace invitarlo a la noche de apertura de nuestra exhibición en la galería del City Hall en asociación con Chelsea Black Community – CBC, que presenta el poderoso trabajo de la artista local Towana Wright.

La lucha continúa es una exploración visual de Estados Unidos
y su incapacidad para cumplir con su promesa: “Que todos los hombres son creados iguales”.

Acompáñenos en una noche de arte, comida y comunidad mientras damos inicio al Mes de la Herencia Afroamericana. También nos tomaremos un momento para reflexionar sobre la importancia de este momento.

Reunámonos, apoyemos el talento local y celebremos la cultura.

Towana Wright is a visual artist who loves using various mediums, including textiles, paint and pastels. She discovered her artistic gifts during the pandemic and has been on an unimaginable journey ever since.

She describes herself as an Urban-Folk Artist who loves using bold colors and illuminating many of her subjects with halos to emphasize their humanity. Her influences include, Clemintine Hunter, Frida Kahlo, Jacob Lawrence, Pablo Picasso, and Faith Ringold

Towana’s latest series: The Struggle Continues is a visual exploration of America and its inability to live up to its promise: “That All Men Are Created Equal.”