A panel discussion about clearing up misinformation on the virus and dealing with the stress in this challenging time.
We’ll all get through this together!
A panel discussion about clearing up misinformation on the virus and dealing with the stress in this challenging time.Dr. Carlos Torres, MGH Chelsea Pediatrician
Carolyn Vega, South Bay Mental Health Clinical Social Worker
Ada Alvarez, MGH Chelsea Behavioral Health Clinical Social Worker
Emily Jimenez, MGH Chelsea Behavioral Health Clinical Social WorkerIf you are having trouble with rent, food, or other basic needs because of the impact of the coronavirus, please contact us at 3-1-1 (617-466-4209) for assistance.
Regardless of your health insurance status or your immigration status, if you need a doctor, make an appointment at the MGH Respiratory Illness Clinic calling 617-724-7000 or the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center calling 617-975 -6060