The Bulletin Board is your place to find classes, ongoing programs, job listings, local contests, scholarships, and other opportunities. Events (one time & unique happenings) are also posted on the calendar.

Tips for a Safe Thanksgiving / Consejos Para Un Día De Acción De Gracias Seguro

tips for a safe thanksgiving do’s don’ts do wear a mask when not eating or drinking do keep your distance - at least 6 feet do wash your hands often with soap and water do improve ventilation by opening windows and doors don’t shake hands or hug. wave or verbally greet others instead don’t sing, dance, or shout which increase chances of catching the airborne virus don’t gather with high risk individuals such as older adults and people with certain medical conditions for more information visit

City of Chelsea Homeowners Stabilization Program / Cidudad de Chelsea Programa de Estabilización de Propietarios

The Homeowner Stabilization Program has now begun! If you have been financially impacted by COVID-19 and own a single to four-family home, you may be eligible. The funds would assist in paying for your mortgage, utilities, and assisting in recuperating rent unpaid by tenants for instances after April 1, 2020.
The application period will close on November 19, 2020 at the end of the business day.
Find the information and Application on
¡El Programa de Estabilización para Propietarios de Viviendas ha comenzado! Si ha sido afectado financieramente por COVID-19 y es dueño de una casa para una o cuatro familias, puede ser elegible. Los fondos ayudarían a pagar su hipoteca, servicios públicos y a recuperar el alquiler impago de los inquilinos en casos posteriores al 1 de abril de 2020.

Solicitudes en papel están disponibles a pedido en City Hall. El período de solicitud vence el 19 de noviembre de 2020.

Encuentre la Solicitud del Programa de Estabilización para propietarios (PDF) en…

Voke Park Playground Virtual Public Meeting Novemeber 16th, 6pm – 8pm / Discusion Sobre el Construccion del area de juegos de Voke Park Reunion publica virtual 16 de noviembre, 6 p.m. a 8 p.m.

Please join the City of Chelsea’s Planning & Development Department online to discuss the upcoming construction at Voke Park Playground. Improvements include new water features, new landscaping, new play structures, and new walking paths and seating options.

Event Date: Monday, November 16, 2020 – 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Join this meeting via Webex:…

Meeting number (access code): 177 820 5775
Meeting password: Se8du3hUfD7

Join by phone:
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll

Contact Ben Cares at 781.300.3016 or


Por favor acompañe al departamento de Departamento de Planeamiento y Desarrollo en linea para discutir el construcción del area de juegos de Voke Park. Mejoramientos incluyen nuevos juegos de agua, nueva jardinería, nuevos juegos, nuevos caminos y lugares para sentarse.

16 de noviembre, 6pm – 8pm

Unirse a la reunión de Webex…

Número de reunión (código de acceso): 177 820 5775
Contraseña de reunión: Se8du3hUfD7

Contacte a Ben Cares al
781.300.3016 o


Fraudulent DHS letter

Please be advised that Chelsea PD, Chief Kyes, has made the below public Twitter post about a fraudulent and threatening letter that appears to come from Homeland Security…according to Chief Kyes, this is FRAUDULENT.


Chelsea: We are here to help you / Estamos aqui para ayudarles

As Massachusetts’ Eviction Moratorium
Has Come to an End,
Many of Our Fellow Neighbors
May be in Jeopardy of
Being Evicted and Homeless.
There is help!

Please share this multi-lingual video extensively. Your neighbors’ housing stability may depend on it.  And refer them to to the services on the video and featured below.  Please also share the resources below with homeowners struggling to keep up with mortgage payments.


TND’s Connect Hotline (617) 712-3487
The Chelsea Collaborative / La Colaborativa  (617) 889-6080
CAPIC (617) 884-6130

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