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City of Chelsea COVID-19 Update / Ciudad de Chelsea actualización sobre COVID-19

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October 27th
Confirmed new cases: 18
New Covid-19 related deaths: 0
Keep your family safe. Wear a mask.
For more information visit
27 de octubre:
Nuevos casos confirmados: 18
Nuevas muertes relacionadas al Covid-19: 0
Mantenga a su familia segura. Use una mascarilla.
Para obtener más información visite

Know Your Rights as a Tenant – Watch It Live TODAY, October 29, 5 pm / Conozca sus derechos como inquilino – Míralo en vivo el 29 de octubre a las 5 pm

Know Your Rights as a Tenant – Watch It Live TODAY, October 29, 5 pm
The moratorium that prohibited evictions and foreclosures during the COVID-19 Emergency for non-payment expired on October 17. Unfortunately, this means that many of our Chelsea residents now could face an eviction process. Remember, only a judge can evict you. You can only be evicted with a court order.
This process starts with a document that is called ‘Notice to Quit,’ which only notifies you of the landlord’s intent to pursue eviction. If you receive a Notice to Quit, please DO NOT leave your home. The Notice to Quit is only the first step in a legal process that must involve review by a Judge. Only a Judge can issue an Order for eviction from your home. A Landlord may NOT, without an Order from a Judge, remove your belongings or lock you out of your
If you received a Notice to Quit, or are facing eviction, and need legal assistance, please contact the Chelsea Housing Legal Clinic by calling 617- 603-1700 or 1-800-342-LAWS (5297).
If you need help paying your rent or your mortgage, or if you have unpaid rent, there are resources available to help you. Please visit
to know about rental and mortgage assistance available.
The Department of Housing and Community Development is also having a Community Q&A session on October 29, 5pm. Watch it live on Chelsea Community Cable (Channel 22 Comcast) and Facebook Live. Submit your question
La moratoria que prohibia los desalojos y ejecuciones hipotecarias por falta de pago durante la crisis de COVID-19 expiró el 17 de octubre. Desafortunadamente, esto significa que muchos de nuestros residentes de Chelsea van a enfrentar un proceso de desalojo. Recuerde, solo un juez puede desalojarlo. Solo puede ser desalojado con una orden judicial.
Este proceso comienza con un documento que se llama ‘Notice to Quit’ (aviso de desalojo en inglés), y solo le notifica la intención del dueño de desalojarlo. Si recibe un aviso de desalojo, NO es necesario que salga de su hogar. Un juez solo puede llevar a cabo el desalojo y el dueño no puede quitarle sus pertenencias o dejarlo fuera de su casa. Obtenga más información sobre lo que significa un Aviso de desalojo
Si recibió un Aviso de desalojo, o se enfrenta a un desalojo y necesita asistencia legal, comuníquese con la Clínica Legal de Vivienda de Chelsea llamando al 617-603-1700 o al 1-800-342-LAWS (5297).
Si necesita ayuda para pagar el alquiler o la hipoteca, o si tiene un alquiler impago, existen recursos disponibles para ayudarlo. Visite para conocer la asistencia disponible para alquiler e hipoteca.
El Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario también tendrá una sesión de Preguntas y Respuestas Comunitarias el 29 de octubre a las 5 pm. Míralo en vivo en Chelsea Community Cable (Canal 22 de Comcast) y Facebook Live. Por favor deje su pregunta

Chelsea Launches Free Legal Clinic for Residential Evictions

The goal of Chelsea Legal Services is to provide equal access to justice and the judicial system for the residents of Chelsea.

Attorney Mark Rossi of Chelsea Legal Services, the legal team that will be working with city to assist local residents with their housing issues.

Residents can contact his office through the Eastern Region Legal Intake Help Line at 617-603-1700 or his office directly at 617-466-3037. Because of COVID-19, there are no walk-ins at the Chelsea Legal Services office and Rossi suggested calling in advance to make an appointment with his legal team.

Residents can also reach out to Attorney Rossi’s office online at its Website:

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