The Bulletin Board is your place to find classes, ongoing programs, job listings, local contests, scholarships, and other opportunities. Events (one time & unique happenings) are also posted on the calendar.  You may submit a post to the bulletin board here.

Unemployment Benefits Are Decreasing / Los Beneficios de Desempleo Se Están Reduciendo

Starting the week of August 2nd, expect a smaller unemployment payment.

On July 31st, the extra $600 provided to those on Unemployment Benefits (both UI and PUA) expired. The final $600 payment will be paid when you receive your payment for the week ending Saturday, July 25, 2020. This means that if you are collecting benefits, your payments beginning this week will be significantly smaller than they have been previously.

Will you still get your unemployment payments? 

Yes! As long as you continue to meet the eligibility requirements for unemployment and continue to certify for your weekly benefits you will still receive your unemployment benefits. None of the expanded eligibility requirements for COVID have changed.  All other unemployment benefits programs are still in place – standard Unemployment Insurance (UI), Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) extended benefits.

Have questions? Visit our website here or call 617-712-3487 to learn more about this change and other resources available. 

A partir de la semana del 2 de agosto, espere un pago de los beneficios de desempleo reducido.

El 31 de julio, expiraron los $600 adicionales proporcionados a la gente colectando los beneficios de desempleo (UI y PUA). Las personas que están colectando recibirán sus últimos pagos adicionales de $600 cuando reciban sus pagos para la semana que finalizó el sábado 25 de julio de 2020. En pocas palabras, si está colectado beneficios, sus pagos a partir de esta semana serán significativamente menos de lo que fueron para las semanas anteriores.

¿Todavía recibiré mis pagos de desempleo?

Sí. Siempre y cuando cumpla con los requisitos de elegibilidad y siga solicitando sus beneficios cada semana, recibirá sus pagos de desempleo. Ninguno de los requisitos de elegibilidad ampliados por COVID ha cambiado. Todos los programas de desempleo permanecen activos – Seguro de Desempleo regular (UI), Asistencia de Desempleo por Pandemia (PUA) y los beneficios extendidos por Compensación de Emergencia de Desempleo por Pandemia (PEUC).

¿Tiene más preguntas? Visite nuestro sitio web aquí o llame a nuestro hotline a las 617-712-3487 para aprender más sobre este cambio y los recursos disponsibles. 

Chelsea Eats Card Chelsea Food Debit Card Program / Chelsea Eats Card Programa de Asistencia en la compra de alimentos utilizando una tarjeta de débito

Food insecurity, a deeply rooted issue, has gravely worsened as a result of COVID-19 and the economic downtown. The City of Chelsea, in consultation with community-based organizations, has established a new program to assist Chelsea residents with access to fresh and culturally appropriate food, in an effort to combat food insecurity. The purpose of the program, entitled Chelsea Eats, is to provide urgently needed resources to purchase food in a safe, dignified manner.

The City, through its Department of Housing and Community Development and Department of Public Works, is actively advancing a comprehensive food sustainability program. Conceived as a transitional bridge from the City food pantries, Chelsea Eats represents a key initiative, which will be undertaken with other vital steps, to serve residents in need. Income eligible residents may be eligible to receive a preloaded debit card to buy groceries and baby products at local Chelsea retailers.

The program is open to all income-eligible Chelsea residents who meet the program’s criteria, regardless of their immigration status:

  • Be a Chelsea resident.
  • Submit a fully completed application
  • Your application must certify compliance with requirements related to household income, assets, and public benefits
  • Your household income must be at or below 30% of the HUD Area Median Income (AMI). To know if you qualify, please check the table below.
Household Size Income limits
1 $26,850
2 $30,700
3 $34,550
4 $38,350
5 $41,450
6 $44,500
7 $47,600
8 $50,650

Families with children, disabled residents, veterans, seniors over 65, households that have been economically impacted by COVID-19, and households that are ineligible for other forms of federal assistance, such as SNAP and WIC will have preferences. The program will also connect eligible residents to SNAP, WIC, and other forms of food assistance. Local merchants interested in participating in the program as an Official Chelsea Eats Partner are encouraged to contact the Department of Housing and Community Development by calling 617-466-4192.

DEADLINE: The deadline for applications is August 17, 2020. 


Online Applications in English and Spanish are available here.

Applications are also available in Portuguese, Vietnamese, Haitian and Cape Verde Creole, and Arabic at

By email  Download the application here: Word document, fillable PDF.

When it completed, please send it to

In-person City Hall during business hours:

·         Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9 am to 3 pm. Tuesdays from 9 am to 6 pm

·         Friday from 9 am to 11 am.


City’s food pantry locations, from 9 a.m. to noon:

·         Monday – Early Learning Center (Shurtleff St. entrance).

·         Tuesday – Bellingham Hill Park (100 Bellingham St.).

·         Wednesday – Washington Park (Pratville).

·         Thursday – Chelsea Square (Broadway near the Police Station).

·         Friday – Mary C. Burke Complex Parking lot (300 Crescent Ave).

By phone  Dial 311 while you are in Chelsea (or 617-644-4209) during office hours (Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9 am to 3 pm, Tuesday 9 am to 6 pm, and Friday 9 am to 11 am).
Hard-copy Email or come to City Hall during the business hours to ask for a hard copy application.

Important: Chelsea Eats has no cost for applicants. Debit cards can be used only in grocery and convenience stores. This is a local program, and the public charge rule does not apply to it.

If you need food assistance, but you are not eligible for this program, please explore SNAP “Food Stamp” benefits by reaching the following resources: 

Parent Information Center (Early Learning Center, Shurtleff St. entrance) 


CONNECT Hotline 


Project Bread’s FoodSource Hotline

1-800-645-8333 Monday-Friday: 8 am-7 pm. Saturday: 10am-2pm.

QUESTIONS?: Call 311 (617-644-4209),  email or visit


Chelsea Eats Card

Programa de Asistencia en la compra de alimentos utilizando una tarjeta de débito 

La inseguridad alimentaria, un problema profundamente arraigado en nuestra ciudad, ha empeorado gravemente como resultado del COVID-19 y la crisis económica que representa.

La Ciudad de Chelsea en un esfuerzo por combatir la inseguridad alimentaria, en consulta con organizaciones comunitarias locales, ha establecido un nuevo programa para ayudar a los residentes de Chelsea a acceder a alimentos frescos y culturalmente apropiados. El propósito del programa denominado ‘Chelsea Eats’ es proporcionar los recursos que se necesitan con urgencia para comprar alimentos de manera segura y digna.

La Ciudad, a través de su Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario y el Departamento de Obras Públicas, avanza activamente en un programa integral de sostenibilidad alimentaria. Concebido como una transición entre las despensas de alimentos a una tarjeta de débito, Chelsea Eats representa una iniciativa clave para servir a los residentes que lo necesitan.

Los residentes son elegibles por ingresos y – quienes califiquen- podrán recibir una tarjeta de débito precargada para comprar comestibles y productos para bebés en las tiendas locales de Chelsea.

El programa está abierto a todos los residentes de Chelsea que tengan un ingreso igual o menor al 30% del ingreso promedio del área, independientemente de su estado migratorio.

Los criterios de elegibilidad del programa son los siguientes:

  • Ser residente de Chelsea.
  • Enviar una solicitud completa.
  • Su solicitud debe certificar el cumplimiento de los requisitos relacionados con los ingresos, bienes y beneficios públicos del hogar.
  • Los ingresos de su hogar deben ser iguales o inferiores al 30% del ingreso medio del área según el HUD (AMI por sus siglas en inglés).

Para saber si califica, consulte la tabla a continuación.

Tamaño del hogar Límite de ingresos
1 $26,850
2 $30,700
3 $34,550
4 $38,350
5 $41,450
6 $44,500
7 $47,600
8 $50,650

Las familias con niños, residentes discapacitados, veteranos, personas mayores de 65 años, hogares que han sido afectados económicamente por COVID-19 y hogares que no son elegibles para otras formas de asistencia federal (como SNAP y WIC) tendrán preferencias.

El programa también conectará a los residentes elegibles con SNAP, WIC y otras formas de asistencia alimentaria. Se recomienda a los comerciantes locales interesados en participar en el programa como socios oficiales de Chelsea Eats que se comuniquen con el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario llamando al 617-466-4192.

PLAZO: La fecha límite para las solicitudes es el 17 de agosto de 2020.


En linea  Aplicaciones en Inglés y Español están disponibles aquí.
Por correo electrónico Descargue la aplicación aquí: Word document, fillable PDF.

Cuando la complete, envíela por correo electrónico a

En persona  City Hall en horarios de atención al público:

·         Lunes, miércoles y viernes de 9 am a 3 pm.

·         Martes de 9 am a 6 pm

·         Viernes de 9 am a 11 am.


Despensas de comida de la Ciudad, de 9 am al mediodía:

·         Lunes- Early Learning Center (Shurtleff St. entrance).

·         Martes- Bellingham Hill Park (100 Bellingham St.).

·         Miercoles – Washington Park (Pratville).

·         Jueves – Chelsea Square (Broadway cerca del cuartel de la Policía).

·         Viernes – Mary C. Burke Complex Parking lot (300 Crescent Ave).

Por teléfono  Llame al 311 mientras está en Chelsea (o 617-644-4209) en horas de atención al público (Lunes, miércoles y viernes de 9 am a 3 pm; Martes de 9 am a 6 pm; Viernes de 9 am a 11 am).
Aplicaciones en papel  Si desea una aplicación en papel, envíe un correo electrónico a o visite City Hall en horarios de atención al público (Lunes, miércoles y viernes de 9 am a 3 pm; Martes de 9 am a 6 pm; Viernes de 9 am a 11 am).

Importante: Chelsea Eats no tiene costo para los solicitantes. Las tarjetas de débito solo se pueden usar en supermercados y tiendas de conveniencia. Este es un programa local y la regla de carga pública no se aplica.

Si necesita asistencia alimentaria, pero no es elegible para este programa, explore los beneficios de “Cupones para Alimentos” de SNAP contactando a los siguientes recursos:

Centro de Información para Padres (Early Learning Center, entrada a la calle Shurtleff)

CONNECT Línea Directa

Línea directa de FoodSource de Project Bread 1-800-645-8333 de lunes a viernes: de 8 a.m. a 7 p.m. Sábado: 10 am-2pm.

¿PREGUNTAS ?: Llame al 311 (617-644-4209), envíe un correo electrónico a o visite

BARI Conference: Closing Keynote What Cities and Towns need now

BARI Conference Week 14: What Cities and Towns Need Now

3:30 pm, Friday, July 31st

The BARI Conference concludes with a closing Keynote at 3:30 pm on Friday, July 31st. This conversation with Mayor’s and municipal leaders from throughout the commonwealth will address challenges that municipalities are facing today. The Panelists will explore how research and technology can be leveraged for equitable solutions as we move into a Post-COVID-19 future.

Each panel is presented live via Zoom. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions via chat, and each session will be recorded and released as an audio podcast the following week. If you have already registered for a previous week of the conference, you don’t need to register again.

Register for the conference today, and we’ll share the access information by email before each session. Panels will be from 3:30 – 4:345 pm. Following the panel we will have our Conference Reception to close out the BARI Conference.

Subscribe to the BARI Podcast!

Can’t make the Friday panels, or just want to revisit some of the content our panelists discussed? Subscribe to the BARI Podcast to get an audio version of each panel, released one week after each live event.

Week 14: What Cities and Towns Need Now
Friday, July 31st, 3:30 pm

Presentations and Panel

Town Manager Steve Bartha
Town of Danvers, MA

Mayor Dan Rivera
City of Lawrence, MA

Mayor Yvonne M. Spicer
City of Framingham, MA

Mayor Martin J. Walsh
City of Boston, MA

Regional Perspective: Marc Draisen
Executive Director, Metropolitan Area Planning Council

Moderator: Sid Espinosa, Director of Philanthropy and Civic Engagement at Microsoft and the former Mayor of Palo Alto, California.

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