The Bulletin Board is your place to find classes, ongoing programs, job listings, local contests, scholarships, and other opportunities. Events (one time & unique happenings) are also posted on the calendar.

Help Us! / ¡Ayúdanos!

Mill Creek is a part of the Mystic River separating Chelsea and Revere, adjacent to the Revere Beach Parkway. Due to the history of being an industrial area and the surrounding hills and slopes, Mill Creek has been facing water quality problems. The Housing and Community Development Department (H+CD) is working to improve water quality in the creek and create new parks and paths nearby for public use.
This survey will ask questions about Mill Creek and the ways people use and interact with it. Click here or use the QR code to complete the survey:…
Mill Creek es una parte del río Mystic que separa Chelsea y Revere, adyacente a Revere Beach Parkway. Debido a la historia de ser un área industrial y las colinas y laderas circundantes, Mill Creek ha estado enfrentando problemas de calidad del agua. El Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario (H + CD) está trabajando para mejorar la calidad del agua en el arroyo y crear nuevos parques y caminos cercanos para uso público.
Esta encuesta presenta preguntas sobre Mill Creek y las formas en que las personas usan el área e interactúan con él. Haga clic en este enlace or utilice el código para completar la encuesta:…



ALS & MS Walk for Living – October 15

The 2023 Walk for Living will take place at 10am on Sunday, October 15 at 165 Captains Row on Admiral’s Hill in Chelsea. Every single dollar raised goes directly back to patient care and programs for ALS and MS residents. To register, go to the Walk for Living website and click on register:
Following the walk, there will be a barbeque, face painting, live dance performances, a petting zoo and more. The $20 donation fee includes a Walk for Living tee shirt as well as all food and activities.

50th Anniversary Great Chelsea Fire – Oct. 14

The City of Chelsea and its Department of Emergency Management are hosting an event to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Great Chelsea Fire of 1973. The event will be held on Saturday, October 14, from 12:00-4:00pm on the second floor of the Chelsea Station Restaurant (105 Everett Avenue in Chelsea).
All are welcome to attend this very special 50 year remembrance of the 2nd Great Chelsea Fire (1973). There will be a gallery full of pictures, videos, audio, and memorabilia from the fire. We will have special guests that fought and lived through the fire sharing stories and memories in a town hall like forum. The event is free and plenty of parking will be available.


Mass General Brigham Community Care Van in Chelsea

Local Community Care Van Clinics via the Mass General Brigham (MGB) Community Care Van are available this fall in Chelsea and the surrounding communities.

Services include free blood pressure screening and education, free flu vaccines (health insurance required), and free “goodies” such as pill boxes, measuring spoons and kits filled with masks, hand sanitizers and bandages. Health professionals are available to answer any questions that you have about your health.

You do not need to be a MGB patient to receive services. Patients can receive services regardless of immigration status. No appointments are necessary.

Click here for more information and to view the full van schedule.

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