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You’re Invited 4/19 North Suffolk Community Organization Roundtable

Who: Staff, board, or volunteer representatives of community organizations serving populations in Chelsea, Revere, or Winthrop.

What: A facilitated conversation to understand how communities may be impacted by climate change differently. Results will inform the development of an equity assessment tool that will help municipal departments and community-based organizations prioritize climate and sustainability projects that enhance equity.

Where: ZoomPlease let us know if you can make it by RSVPing here.

Important notes:

  • Come prepared to discuss equity concerns for the community members your organization serves.
  • $100 stipends will be available to attending organizations upon request. Please reach out to for more information.
  • Please limit attendance to one person per organization; feel free to pass this invitation along to another from your organization who would be well positioned to participate.

We hope to see you there! Please send any questions you may have about this initiative, or the roundtable, to

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 847 5711 0826

Passcode: 299855

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        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

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        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 847 5711 0826

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City of Chelsea and the Anti-Displacement roundtable present Zoning for our Community

This series is intended to give residents a deeper understanding of how zoning has shaped the Chelsea of today, and how zoning can contribute to a more equitable Chelsea of the future.
The second session will take place on Wednesday, April 13, at the Clark Avenue School. Food, childcare, and Spanish interpretation will be provided.
$25 Visa gift cards will be available for up to 50 participants. The following two sessions in the Community Conversation Series are slated for May 4th and May 18th at the same location at the Clark Avenue School.

Chelsea Recreation Blood Drive

Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. Blood and platelets can only come from generous volunteer donors, for ages 17 who weigh at least 110 lbs and are in generally good health (age 16 with parental consent). Schedule your appointment at the website.
Type in sponsor code: Chelsea Community
When: Wednesday, April 6 at 1-6pm
Location: Williams Building, 180 Walnut Street
Cada dos segundos, alguien en los Estados Unidos necesita sangre. La sangre solo puede provenir de generosos donantes voluntarios, para mayores de 17 años que pesen al menos 110 libras y gocen de buena salud en general (16 años con el consentimiento de los padres). Programe su cita en el sitio web
Escriba el código de patrocinador: Chelsea Community
Cuándo: miércoles 6 de abril de 1 a 6 pm
Ubicación: Edificio Williams, 180 Walnut Street

Highland Street Foundation Spring Week 2022


We are pleased to announce Spring Week, free activities during April school vacation. Come join us at any of the events listed below. Please note that some activities may require advance registration. Click here to visit our website and learn more about Spring Week 2022!

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