Chelsea Community Fund

The Chelsea Community Fund was established in December 1999 as the result of a community fundraising campaign that raised more than $750,000 in contributions and pledges from ~100 businesses, charitable foundations, the City of Chelsea and other individuals. This amount was matched by a $750,000 “challenge grant” from the Clipper Ship Foundation, originally resulting in an endowment of

$1.5 million, which has been invested back into the community over the years.

The Chelsea Community Fund is housed at The Boston Foundation as an “advised fund” and as such, The Boston Foundation provides investment and management services. The Chelsea Community Fund

Committee, a six-member committee of community and donor representatives, reviews funding proposals and recommends grants to The Boston Foundation.

To Apply

Submit a proposal in PDF form, emailed to no later than May 15th, 2022. Proposals must include the following:

1. Organization Name

2. Project Title

3. Full Address

4. Telephone

5. Person of Contact

6. Phone #

7. Email

8. Fiscal Agent (if Applicable)

9. Amount Requested

10. Total Project Budget

11. How does your proposed project help Chelsea residents recover from the pandemic? (250 words)

12. What evidence do you have that your approach will work? (250 words)

13. How is your organization qualified and prepared to lead this work? (250 words)

14. Specific Project Activities & Timeline (250 words)

15. How will you use the requested grant? (250 words)

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