Preparing for Chelsea’s 400th

In 2024 Chelsea will mark its 400th year of colonial settlement, the first community in the Boston area to do so. What does this milestone mean for our community?
In two community conversations we’ll come together to reflect on this anniversary.
Attend one or both. All are invited. Spanish and English interpretation will be available for all those not fully bilingual.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 & Tuesday, January 17, 2023
at 6 pm at Chelsea Theatre Works, 189 Winnsimmet Street, Chelsea Square
The format for our conversation is of a dinner party but the only thing on the menu is conversation. We’ll be following a model developed by Lois Weaver called a Long Table. It provides a flexible format that allows for both listening and sharing.
These conversations will inform the direction of the commemoration activities in the coming two years. Are there people who think should be encouraged to attend with valuable thoughts to contribute? If so, visit the link in the comments to submit your recommendations