1. Winter Celebration: The Neighborhood Developers want to celebrate the numerous contributions made by community members in strengthening our communities. Join a virtual celebration on January 12th from 6pm-8pm.
Please RVSP using this link: https://bit.ly/ tndwintercelebration
2. The CONNECT program is looking for tax prep volunteers. In Massachusetts, tax prep fees can cost an average of $150 to $250. For someone who lives paycheck to paycheck, every refund matters. Volunteers help make sure every dollar counts.
In response to COVID-19, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program offers:
• On-demand info sessions and training material for volunteers
• Both virtual and socially distanced in-person tax shift options
Help make a difference and sign up today! Visit www.theneighborhooddevelopers. org/VITA-volunteer
3. Are you looking to make a career transition into the construction and maintenance trades? Check out this free 10-week Pre-Apprenticeship Program offered through CONNECT. Classes begin February 2022 but slots are filling up fast. Sign up today! Email Carol Martinez at cmartinez@tndinc.org or call today at 617-279-0545.