After completing the water and sewer improvements in 2022, the City of Chelsea is pleased to announce the Upper Broadway Drainage and Surface Project, an effort to improve the safety and operations of Broadway between City Hall Ave. and Route 16. Funded through a $11 million federal grant, the project will include the reconstruction of drainage, sidewalk, roadway, and traffic signal infrastructure.

The project area extends down Broadway from Marlborough Street through Clinton Street to the Chelsea-Revere border. The projected completion date is April 2025. The State, through the Mass Department of Transportation (MassDOT), has hired Aqua Line Utility, a construction contractor, to carry out this work. Per federal requirements, MassDOT will administer the construction phase.
Existing issues such as bus stop spacing, insufficient rider amenities, narrow/congested sidewalks, accessibility challenges, and service delays will all be addressed during the construction. Project goals are improving intersection safety, reducing congestion, and enhancing pedestrian/bike/transit accommodations.
Improvements include new sidewalks, bus stops, bike lanes, parking areas, and appropriate turning lanes at intersections. Signal technology and equipment upgrades will be installed at the four signalized intersections in the project area. New pavement will be installed, new/reset granite curbing will be featured, and ADA/AAB-compliant sidewalks and curb ramps will be featured. New signage and pavement markings will be included. Damaged or unhealthy trees along Broadway will be replaced with new native tree species.
Drainage Reconstruction & Parking Restrictions
The Drainage Reconstruction is set to begin on April 17, 2023. Construction is about to start work on Broadway between City Hall Avenue and The Chelsea Greenway.
Construction work will take place from 7AM to 4PM daily, Monday thru Friday. On-street parking is prohibited during the times and dates posted on the construction signage distributed throughout work zone. Please carefully review all temporary No Parking signage. If specified on a sign, on-street parking is allowed once construction hours have finished. After work is completed on a respective street, construction signs will be removed and residents will be free to park in the available on-street parking spaces.
Community Meeting
A community meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 11, at 6:00 p.m. at the Chelsea Public Library. Residents are invited to attend to learn more about the upcoming construction, which will be administered by the Mass. Department of Transportation (MassDOT) and Aqua Line Utility.
The Community meeting will address a variety of topics including construction impacts, traffic management and more. Spanish interpretation will be provided.