The Chelsea Collaborative is hiring!
The Chelsea Collaborative is hiring. We are looking for 3 individuals with a passion for educational justice and desire to work with youth.
The Chelsea Collaborative is hiring. We are looking for 3 individuals with a passion for educational justice and desire to work with youth.
Thank you for taking our survey. Your anonymous responses will add to the New England Local News Ecosystem Project, a project of the Solutions Journalism Network ( If you’d like to be entered into a raffle for a $50 Amazon gift card, please be sure to give us your email address below.
If you have any questions on the survey, please reach out to researcher Emily Roseman at Thank you again for taking the time to help us better understand local news in New England.
If you could also share our survey with a friend in your city or town, we would be very grateful! Here’s the shareable link:
Thank you!
5:00 – 8:00PM
February 2020 Community Black History Month Events
February 4 Tuesday 5 – 7pm City Hall Art Reception Chelsea City Hall, 500 Broadway,
Chelsea Art, Poetry, African and African American Artifacts by local artist. Refreshments
February 17 Monday 5pm Cook Off Community Dinner
La Luz de Cristo Iglesia, 738 Broadway, Chelsea. Dinner
February 20 Thursday 5:00 – 8:00pm Black History Month Celebration Williams Middle
School. 180 Walnut Street, Chelsea, MA
Special Recognition Honoring – “Chelsea Trailblazers” and Dynamic Keynote Speaker
Educational Artifacts, Entertainment, Activities for Children, Henna, Door Gifts, Vendors,
and More!!! Dinner
February 28 Friday 6 – 8pm Evening of Performing Arts Dance Groups, Singing
Performances, Fashion Show, Comedy Acts. Clark Avenue School, 8 Clark Avenue.
A new tobacco law in Massachusetts is now in place and it affects where tobacco and vaping products can be sold. These changes are designed to reduce the youth vaping epidemic in Massachusetts and stop tobacco companies from targeting and addicting young people. The tobacco and vaping industries have long targeted youth, LGBTQ populations and communities of color, resulting in terrible health consequences for the public.
Here’s a simple summary of how the law will change where and what tobacco and vaping products can be sold.
The new law substantially restricts the sale of flavored tobacco and nicotine products to protect youth since flavors, including mint and menthol, are a leading reason they start using them. Local Boards of Health have the authority to assure that the new law is being followed by retailers in their communities. For more information, visit
Contact Edgar Duran Elmudesi at the Metro Boston Tobacco-Free Community Partnership, or 617-451-0049 x549 to learn more about how this new law will protect youth from tobacco addiction and fight the tobacco industry’s targeting of youth, LGBTQ and communities of color with vaping products and menthol cigarettes.
Help for those who want to quit vaping, smoking or using other tobacco products is available at 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) and Organizations that want to support people in quitting can contact Edgar Duran Elmudesi for information and guidance on simple strategies they can implement.
New law blurb for the public (Flyer)
The Chelsea Public Schools will be holding a lottery for pre-school programs (ages 3 and 4 by August 31, 2020). A limited number of seats are available at the John Silber Early Learning Center for the upcoming school year 2020-2021. Transportation is not provided for these programs. How to Enter the Lottery: Lottery Applications will be available February 3 through February 14 at the Parent Information Center from 8:00 AM – 3:30 PM. Lottery Applications MUST BE COMPLETED at the Parent Information Center with the child’s birth certificate. Lottery Information: When: Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 6:00 PM Where: John Silber Early Learning Center (Gymnasium) Please contact the Parent Information Center at 617.466.5500 or the John Silber Early Learning Center at 617.466.5150 if you have any questions. _______________________________________ Las Escuelas Públicas de Chelsea llevarán a cabo un sorteo para programas pre-escolares (edades 3 y 4 antes de 31 de agosto, 2020). Un número limitado de asientos están disponibles en el John Silber Early Learning Center para el próximo año escolar 2020 - 2021. No habrá transportación para estos programas. Cómo Participar en el Sorteo: Las Solicitudes del Sorteo estarán disponibles desde el 3 de febrero hasta el 14 de febrero en el Centro de Información de Padres de 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM. Las Solicitudes del Sorteo DEBEN SER COMPLETADAS en el Centro de Información de Padres con el certificado de nacimiento del niño/a. Información del Sorteo: Cuándo: Miércoles, 26 de febrero 2020 a las 6:00 PM Dónde: Gimnasio del John Silber Early Learning Center Póngase en contacto con el Centro de Información de Padres al 617.466.5500 ó el John Silber Early Learning Center al 617.466.5150 si usted tiene alguna pregunta.
… seeking Spanish language family dementia caregivers who would like to participate in a therapeutic clinical research study at MGH of the effects of short-term group treatments to enhance mood and help improve the caregiver experience. The groups last 4 weeks and consist of guided imagery, mindfulness, and supportive discussions. Eligibility criteria include being the primary caregiver for a relative with dementia and being over 35 years of age. The groups meet weekly and take place at One Bowdoin Square in downtown Boston (4 blocks from the MGH Main Campus.) and next to the T station blue line (Bowdoin stop).
“I liked it so much I wanted to set up a day-care in the lobby. As I said, the best show in town.” —Chicago Tribune
“takes audiences on an emotional roller-coaster ride that whipsaws through laughs, poignant tears and moments of monumental rage” —LEO Weekly
Jessie is feeling trapped and alone on maternity leave in her new Long Island duplex. Starved for adult conversation, she invites the funny and forthright Lina for coffee in their neighboring backyards. They become fast friends, quickly bonding over their shared “new mom” experience despite the financial gulf between them—while someone watches from the mansion on the cliff overlooking Jessie’s yard. This insightful comedy with dark edges takes an honest look at the absurdities of new motherhood, the dilemma of returning to work, and how class impacts parenthood and friendship in America.
Tickets are $30, $25 seniors, $15 students
Tickets can be purchased by calling (617) 887-2336 or on-line at Information and directions at Performances will be followed by a reception with the actors.