La Colaborativa is now hiring for our Youth Carpentry Apprenticeship Program / La Colaborativa está contratando a jóvenes para nuestro programa de aprendices en carpintería

La Colaborativa is now hiring for our Youth Carpentry Apprenticeship Program. This is a paid youth jobs program for Chelsea youth offered in partnership with the North Atlantic States Carpentry Training Fund. Youth will be given hands-on training and upon successful completion, the opportunity to apply directly to the full-time paid apprenticeship with the New England Carpenters’ Union. To apply you must be at least 17 years old and either a senior in High School or already graduated. You can also apply if you are in a GED or HiSet Program. Apply by filling out this link Carpentry Apprenticeship Application – Winter/Spring 2024 (
Español: La Colaborativa está contratando a jóvenes para nuestro programa de aprendices en carpintería. Este programa pagado es para jóvenes de Chelsea de 17 años a 24 años. Este programa es únicamente para estudiantes en su último año de High School o jóvenes ya graduados o inscritos en un programa de GED-HiSet. Aplicar con este enlace: Carpentry Apprenticeship Application – Winter/Spring 2024 (
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