Free COVID-19 Treatments are available for Chelsea Residents at CHA Everett Hospital

COVID-19 treatments can prevent hospitalizations and reduce the risk of becoming very ill. Treatment is appropriate for people who test positive for COVID-19 and have symptoms, even mild ones (such as runny nose or sore throat), and who are at increased risk of severe disease.
Treatment should be started within five days of developing symptoms, the sooner treatment is started, the more effective it is.

There are several ways to access these treatments: 

  • Your CHA provider can place a referral for you
  • You can self-refer by calling 781-338-0280
  • A non-CHA provider can make a referral for you 
Los tratamientos de COVID-19 pueden prevenir hospitalizaciones y reducir el riesgo de enfermarse gravemente. El tratamiento es apropiado para las personas que dan positivo en la prueba de COVID-19 y tienen síntomas, incluso leves como secreción nasal o dolor de garganta, y que tienen un mayor riesgo de padecer una enfermedad grave.

El tratamiento debe iniciarse dentro de los cinco días posteriores a la aparición de los síntomas; cuanto antes se inicie el tratamiento, más eficaz será.

Hay varias formas de acceder a estos tratamientos:

  • Su proveedor de CHA puede hacer un referido para usted
  • Puede hacer usted mismo un referido llamando al 781-338-0280
  • Un proveedor que no sea de CHA también puede hacer un referido

Received an eviction notice or court summons? Apply for rental assistance

For Chelsea residents ONLY: 
If you have received an eviction notice or court summons, or are looking to move into a new apartment because of unsafe living conditions, domestic violence, homelessness, or other urgent crises, we can support you in accessing state-wide emergency housing assistance programs, REGARDLESS OF IMMIGRATION STATUS.  Call us at

Ext. 713 (English); Ext. 712 (Español)


SOLAMENTE para residentes de Chelsea:

Si ha recibido un aviso de desalojo, o una aviso para presentarse en la corte, o está buscando moverse a un nuevo apartamento porque no es un lugar de condiciones seguras, por violencia doméstica, está sin vivienda, o por otra situación crítica, podemos ayudarle a obtener acceso a programas de emergencia para asistencia en vivienda SIN IMPORTAR EL ESTATUS MIGRATORIO. Llamenos a:

Ext. 713 (English); Ext. 712 (Español)

Eviction is a legal process through the courts.

Your landlord cannot evict you without a court order. It is illegal for a landlord to change the locks, throw out your belongings or pressure you into leaving.

Receiving a 14 day notice does NOT mean you must leave your home after 14 days.


El desalojo es un proceso legal a través de la corte. Solo un juez puede ordenar un desalojo.

El propietario no lo puede desalojar sin una orden del juez. Es ilegal que el propietario cambie las cerraduras, bote sus pertenencias o presione a un inquilino para que se vaya.

Recibir un aviso de desalojo en 14 días NO significa que necesita dejar su vivienda después de 14 días.


2022 Veterans Day Ceremony

The City of Chelsea and the Department of Veteran’s Services will host the annual Veterans Day event on Friday, November 11, starting at 11:00 a.m. at the Chelsea Senior Center.
The event will include performances by Chelsea High School (CHS) students who will deliver the Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem and Governor’s Proclamation. The CHS Cantare will also perform. City Councilor Calvin Brown will deliver the Convocation, and Vietnam veteran and City Councilor At-Large Leo Robinson will read the Greetings of Officials.
Commander Billie J. Farrell, the Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Constitution, will serve as the Guest Speaker. CDR Farrell is the 77th Commanding Officer, and her awards include three Meritorious Service Medals, four Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals and three Meritorious Unit Commendation Medals.

Highland Park Field Community Visioning Session

The City of Chelsea is advancing the design of renovations to the Highland Park Athletic Field. Funded through ARPA, the project envisions comprehensive upgrades to the soccer field.
A community meeting will be held on 11/10 at 6 pm in the Music Room at the Williams Middle School.


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