DDS Children’s Autism Waiver Open Request Period 10/14/22 to 10/31/22
The DDS Autism Division runs a program for low-income children with autism called the Children’s Autism Services Waiver Program. This program serves children under the age of 10 who meet both the clinical and financial eligibility that includes having/obtaining MassHealth Standard Insurance. The Autism Services Waiver Program allows children to receive Expanded Habilitation, Education, in-home services and supports, such as Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) and Floor Time, for a total of up to 3 years. At the conclusion of the three years of the intensive in-home services, a child may access ongoing Supplemental Services (for example respite and goods and services, etc.) that meet the child’s needs until the child’s 10th birthday. Currently, the program serves approximately 400 children a year. While the program is near capacity, we are expanding the number of participants and there is a high rate of turnover in the program every year, so we looking to have a new pool of applicants to draw from to fill open slots.
The Autism Division is accepting new application requests for families interested in this program between the dates of October 14, 2022 and October 31, 2022. Applications must be postmarked or emailed from a parent/guardian no later than October 30, 2022.
Attached are copies of the Autism Waiver Program Open Request Application and Open Request Family Overview both in English and Spanish that can be shared with families. The application form, family notice and related materials in multiple languages are available on the DDS website and at the seven regionally based Autism Support Centers (a list of the Centers is available on the DDS website).