Your Voice in Harvard Museums / Tu voz en los museos de Harvard

Are you enrolled in Chelsea High School?
Join us on Friday, March 4, at 2:30pm for the information session for Hear me Out/ Escuchame at Chelsea High School Senior Cafeteria.
Learn more about this amazing project. Session attendees receive two free admission passes to the Peabody and Natural History Museums.
¿Está inscrito en Chelsea High School?
Únate a nosotros el viernes 4 de marzo a las 2:30pm para la sesión de información de Hear me Out/Escuchame en la cafetería Senior de Chelsea High School.
Conoce más sobre este increíble proyecto. Los asistentes a la sesión reciben dos pases de admisión gratuitos a los museos Peabody y de Historia Natural.

GreenRoots Community Member Spotlight

We’re wrapping up our Storytelling series for now by highlighting two incredible Chelsea activists: Diana and Bernabe!

Diana is a mother and an essential worker who enjoys spending time in green spaces with her son. We all deserve access to clean, green spaces where our families can thrive.

Bernabe is a longtime Chelsea resident & Chelsea High graduate who managed one of our most critical constituent services in the City, the 311 call center. During the start of the pandemic, Bernabe was key to connecting residents with Covid-19 resources.

To learn more about Diana and Bernabe’s story and their connection to Chelsea, read through our Health Equity Report here!

Help Fight For Clean Air In Chelsea! / ¡Apoye La Lucha Por Aire Limpio En Chelsea!

Chelsea Community Air Quality Survey

Take our Air Quality Survey!

If you’re a Chelsea or East Boston resident, please fill out our air quality survey! We’d like to learn more about your experience as we develop policy measures that protect our most vulnerable environmental justice communities. Please use the links to the survey below:

Chelsea: Take survey here
East Boston: Take survey here

Questions? Please email our lead environmental justice organizer Layne Benton at


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