You’re Invited 4/19 North Suffolk Community Organization Roundtable
Who: Staff, board, or volunteer representatives of community organizations serving populations in Chelsea, Revere, or Winthrop.
What: A facilitated conversation to understand how communities may be impacted by climate change differently. Results will inform the development of an equity assessment tool that will help municipal departments and community-based organizations prioritize climate and sustainability projects that enhance equity.
Where: Zoom. Please let us know if you can make it by RSVPing here.
Important notes:
- Come prepared to discuss equity concerns for the community members your organization serves.
- $100 stipends will be available to attending organizations upon request. Please reach out to for more information.
- Please limit attendance to one person per organization; feel free to pass this invitation along to another from your organization who would be well positioned to participate.
We hope to see you there! Please send any questions you may have about this initiative, or the roundtable, to
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 5711 0826
Passcode: 299855
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