The Bulletin Board is your place to find classes, ongoing programs, job listings, local contests, scholarships, and other opportunities. Events (one time & unique happenings) are also posted on the calendar.

Chelsea Public Schools Summer Food Sites / Escuelas Públicas De Chelsea Sitios De Distribución De Comida De Verano


Escuelas Públicas de Chelsea

Sitios de Distribución de Comida de Verano

Complejo Mary C. Burke

Escuela Clark Ave

Chelsea High School (Escuela Segundaria de Chelsea)

Early Learning Center

Escuela Williams

Parque Volk

Parque Bellingham

Apartamentos Mace

Parque Quigley

Encuéntranos de lunes a viernes

Desde las 10:00 a la 1:00

6 de Julio hasta el 27 de Agosto

Homeowner Stabilization Program – Round II / Programa de estabilización de propietarios – Ronda II

If you are seeking assistance to pay for your mortgage, real estate taxes, or even past due tenant rent apply for the Homeowner Stabilization Program Round II! Stop by City Hall for an application or go to the following link for an application:

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Si está buscando ayuda para pagar su hipoteca, impuestos sobre bienes raíces o incluso la renta vencida de sus inquilinos, solicite ayuda en la Segunda Ronda del Programa de Estabilización de Propietarios. Pase por el City Hall para obtener una solicitud o vaya al siguiente enlace para obtener una solicitud:…

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The City also has extended the deadline of the a Homeowners Assistance Program. The new deadline for applications is July 14. Applications are available on our website at
About the Program
Owner-occupants of condominiums, and owner-occupants of 1-4 family homes can apply for grants from the City from between $5,000 and $10,000, depending upon the size of your home, to cover COVID related expenses.  Applicants may apply as long as income does not exceed 100% of Area Median Income. Read more at
If you are having a difficult time making a mortgage payment, or if you are threatened with eviction, please contact our Chelsea Housing Legal Clinic by calling 617-603-1700 or 1-800-342-LAWS (5297).  Lawyers will provide you will legal assistance.
For tenants, rental assistance is available.  For details on applying for rental assistance, please go to the Housing Resources page on our website at

Do you want fast internet for you, your family, and friends in Chelsea?

Please fill out this citywide survey to inform how our city needs to improve services and what programs you need! The survey will take 8 minutes to complete.
Your input will help the city plan for future infrastructure investment, programs to increase digital skill sets, and policy changes to improve speed, price, and reliability of services.

Chelsea Eats Program Update

The Chelsea Eats Food Debit Card Program has been extended through the Summer.  For those families with debit cards, you will receive two final distributions this Summer – one on or about July 1 and the last on or about Aug. 1.
However, in order to receive the July and August distributions, you must obtain a new PEX Card from the City.  The current Debit Card expires on June 30, 2021.  The current card will no longer work after that date.  Further, all funds on the old card will expire on June 30, 2021.  No funds will transfer to the new debit card.  Any funds not spend by June 30, 2021 will be returned to the funders.
The new PEX Debit Cards for the July and August distribution will be available for pickup at City Hall starting on Mon. June 14 during regular business hours.  The last day for pickup will be Fri. June 25.

FIRST Annual Commemoration of Juneteenth on Friday, June 18th, 2021, 11-2pm at Chelsea Square

You are invited to the City of Chelsea’s FIRST Annual Commemoration of Juneteenth on Friday, June 18th from 11-2pm at
Chelsea Square Park.

Please join us as we Embrace, Educate, and Celebrate the Emancipation of Enslaved People in the United States on the 19th day of June in 1865. 
Entertainment Includes: Light Refreshments, Professional Drumming (accelerates physical healing), Vendor (Prime Taste of Africa)!!!
Chelsea Black Community is looking forward to sharing this celebration with all of you! Two hearts

La Colaborativa Directs Hundreds To Chelsea Vaccine Clinics

36% Latinx fully vaccinated; 49% get 1st dose

As of May 28, 36% of Chelsea Latinx are fully vaccinated and 49% have received the first dose of the vaccine. During this critical moment of the pandemic, La Colaborativa is focused on vaccinating as many residents as possible.


In May, La Colaborativa’s Health Promoters scheduled approximately 800 vaccination appointments, plus encouraged hundreds more by directing residents to walk-in clinics.


The Health promoters work to ensure all residents of Chelsea have access to equitable information and services that protect their health and wellbeing. They do this through direct community outreach around the city, including door knocking. Above, Executive Director Gladys Vega spent a Saturday knocking on doors to address concerns, fears and any questions about the vaccine.


Our Health Promoters are essential to the cause. They are trained on the COVID virus transmission, variants, and the epidemiology of the disease in Chelsea. They specifically go through weekly training on how to address hesitancy towards all of the vaccines.


Promoters are also trained in understanding the social determinants of health that impact Chelsea residents. Their outreach work link families to wrap-around services offered by La Colaborativa and the City. For example, this month’s “Chelsea Seguro” campaign seeks to improve access and registration to health insurance by linking residents with Health Insurance Navigators.

Your Donations Are Critical to Vaccinating Chelsea
La Colaborativa is working closely with various area organizations to vaccinate families. Our door knocking and vaccine events require donations to keep them going. Please consider donating to help us to this critical work.



La Colaborativa Vaccinates Chelsea’s Youth
Since only 31% of ages 12-15 have received the first dose, we are working to vaccinate as many youth as possible. Four hundred people attended our May Youth Vaccine Event (and 120 youth were vaccinated) so we’re hosting a June Vaccine Event on June 11 from 4-7PM at 25th Sixth Street in Chelsea. Games and activities organized by Youth Riot. Call 617-889-6080 with questions.


Why Your Donations Matter

La Colaborativa’s Youth Riot is a group of young people organizing across the state to enhance their community. Most recently, they facilitated the games and art activities at our Youth Vaccine Events and hosted a Youth Summit to discuss anti-black racism in Chelsea public schools and healthy relationships.


The passionate group organizes in two ways:


1) They organize and educate among their peers and other youth from Chelsea and beyond. In fact, they organized a rally in February that brought together youth from across the commonwealth.


b) They participate actively in decision-making and political spaces like city council meetings, meetings with elected officials to discuss their legislative demands, testifying at the Board of Education, press conferences and more.


At their most recent Youth Summit, they created a petition demanding that their schools incorporate the topics of consent and healthy relationships into their health class curriculum, and that their schools remove Student Resource Officers from the school buildings.


We’re so proud of Youth Riot. They’re currently working on a campaign around all-resident voting and they plan to take a film on the topic to a city council meeting later this month. Your support helps us support this talented group as they make change in the community.


Youth Riot poses for a photograph.
At the youth summit, Youth Riot organizes a discussion on healthy relationships.
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