The Bulletin Board is your place to find classes, ongoing programs, job listings, local contests, scholarships, and other opportunities. Events (one time & unique happenings) are also posted on the calendar.

Extending FREE Testing in Revere


Mayor Brian Arrigo and the Revere Board of Health have announced a free COVID-19 testing site will operate at Revere High School from July 27- September 12 (just extended!) as part of the Baker-Polito Administration Stop the Spread initiative. Walk-up and drive-thru testing will be available Monday through Saturday in the Revere High School parking lot at no cost, with no insurance, no identification and no appointment required. Results will be communicated to the individual within 2-3 days.

The testing site hours of operation are:

  • Monday, 7AM-11AM
  • Tuesday, 3PM-8PM
  • Wednesday, 7AM-11AM
  • Thursday, 3PM-8PM
  • Friday, 7AM-11AM
  • Saturday, 3PM-8PM

Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) – English – Spanish

If you have any questions or trouble accessing the screening please feel free to reach out. / Si tiene alguna pregunta o tiene problemas para acceder a la proyección, no dude en comunicarse. 

Thanks / Gracias, 

Jeanette Velez – Coordinator

Chelsea / Revere Family Network

(617) 887-0076



Here is a video that better explains the ASQ  /   Aquí hay un video que explica mejor el ASQ


COVID-19: ¿Qué nos espera? COVID-19 What’s next?

Con la reapertura de diferentes estados y la preocupación constante por la COVID-19, CARE llevará a cabo una discusión sobre cómo mantenerte seguro, cuidando de tu comunidad, teniendo responsabilidad social y manteniendote informado.Acompáñanos en nuestra transmisión en vivo de Facebook y haznos preguntas en

(With many states beginning the reopening process and COVID-19 still a prominent concern, CARE is holding a discussion about how to keep yourself and your communities safe, navigating social responsibility, and keeping yourself informed.

 Join us on Facebook livestream to tune in and ask questions at Saturday the 15th from 11 am to 12pm


This is the event page:



FREE COVID-19 Testing for Chelsea residents

Image may contain: text that says 'Free COVID-19 Testing for Chelsea residents Help Chelsea stop the spread, get tested! ¡Detengamos el contagio, hágase la prueba! Pruebas gratis de COVID-19 para residentes de Chelsea'

A pop-up testing site will continue to offer free COVID-19 tests to all Chelsea residents this week. Here is the schedule:

Chelsea Square (near the Police Station)
Thursday, August 6, 1pm-5pm
Friday, August 7, 10 am to 4 pm.

A continuación el horario y las ubicaciones donde puede hacerse la prueba de COVID-19.

Chelsea Square (cerca de la estación de Policía)
– Jueves 6 de agosto,de 1 a 5 de la tarde.
– Viernes 7 de agosto, de 10 de la mañana a 4 de la tarde.

Meet the Collaborative’s Jessica Armijo • Chelsea People Finale!

Meet Jessica Armijo
Jessica- Chelsea People __________________________
Please Join Us
in supporting the One Chelsea Fund!!
One Chelsea Fund
Thanks so much for your support
during this precarious time,

Please click here to donate by PayPal,


The company of CHELSEA PEOPLE features:
A’lisa D. Miles, Amie Lytle, Angelika Menendez, Armando Rivera, Arthur Waldstein, Becca A. Lewis, Bronwyn Sims, Caryn May, Demetrius Fuller, Deniz Khateri, Ekemini Ekpo, Eric Cheng, Henry Clark IV, Jaime Hernandez, Jennifer Ledesma, Jonah Toussaint, Keith Foster, Kelvyn Koning, Kody Grasset, Lily Kaufman, Lina Echeverri, Luz Lopez, Marcia Aguilar, Mariela Lopez-Ponce, Michelle Ambila, Peter Ruiz, Phil Thompson, Raul Avila, Shajhehan Khan, & Siobahn Carroll.

Directed by: Danielle Fauteux Jacques
Music Director: David Reiffel
Composers: Allyssa Jones, David Reiffel, David Rivera Technical Director: Erik Kraft
Stage Manager: Emily Larson
ASM: Mateo Coronado
Production Team: Erica Cafarelli, Isaul Marques

(617) 887-2336

Apollinaire Theatre invites you to
Apollinaire in the Park 2020 (Online Edition): Chelsea People

Reserve your Free Tickets Here!

Apollinaire Theatre has taken on the challenge of
creating an original operetta
every week for three weeks.
These three original works will be based on the lives of local Chelsea residents who have been nominated by Chelsea’s leading Community Organizations.

Firsthand interviews with these intriguing individuals will provide the basis for creating a multidisciplinary Zoom-play about their life and work.

July 25: GreenRoots – Grace Muwina

August 1: The Neighborhood Developers –
Terry & Joe Englen

August 8: The Chelsea Collaborative – Jessica L. Armijo

A Celebration of our Wondrous, Unique & Inspiring Community

Streaming Live: Saturdays-
July 25, August 1, August 8 • Free!
Gather online at 7:30 for the Pre-Show • 8:00 show

Interpretation available at all performances

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Chelsea Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.

The Chelsea Heritage Celebrations Grant program was established by the City of Chelsea and the Chelsea Cultural Council funded by Encore Boston Harbor to support a broad range of cultural events, street fairs, art shows, festivals, and related activities such as: murals, sculptures, and film series that promote the community’s heritage, quality of life, recreation, and cultural activities.

Additional major support was provided by Eastern Salt, and the Bob Jolly Charitable Trust, which was established by the late Boston actor Bob Jolly to support local theater artists. Additional support from Exelon.

Apollinaire Theatre is supported by supported by the
Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.

MANY THANKS to all our Donors and Supporters! __________________________

(617) 887-2336

Food Resources / Recursos Para Comida

There are a wide variety of food programs available to you right now. Learn what’s available so that you can take advantage of the many resources out there. Some of these resources have eligibility requirements, and others are open to all.

1. SNAP “Food Stamps” Benefits 

Call the CONNECT Hotline at 617-712-3487 to apply

If you are receiving unemployment benefits, it is very likely that you are also eligible for SNAP benefits. SNAP benefits can be used to purchase food at grocery stores, convenience stores, some farmers’ markets, and other food programs. If you have a child who is in grades K-12, you will also automatically receive P-EBT benefits when you are accepted for SNAP.

2. Food Pantries and Distribution

Revere residents
Check the City’s website for the latest updates on food assistance that is available. Flyers for August food assistance are available on the website in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic. Available food resources include a weekly food pantry, pop-up food service programs, free breakfast and lunch for children under 18, food delivery, mobile food markets and more.
Chelsea residents
Check the City’s website for and the Chelsea Hunger Network Facebook page for the latest information on food assistance that is available. Available food resources include pop-up pantries, the Chelsea Summer Eats Program for Kids and Teens, and the Chelsea Food Debit Card Program.
Chelsea Food Debit Card Program:
Income eligible residents may be eligible to receive a preloaded debit card to buy groceries and baby products at local Chelsea retailers. Applications are due August 17th. Click here for more information and to apply. 
Residents of other cities
Call the Project Bread FoodSource Hotline at 1-800-645-8333 to be connected with food resources in your community. The hotline is open Monday-Friday 8am-7pm and Saturday 10am-2pm, and can assist calleds in 160 different languages.

Hay varios programas de recursos de comida disponibles para usted en este momento. Aprenda lo que está disponible para que pueda aprovechar los muchos recursos disponibles. Algunos de estos recursos tienen requisitos de elegibilidad, y otros están abiertos a todos.

1. Los “Cupones de Alimentos” de SNAP.

Llame a la línea directa de CONNECT al 617-712-3487 para aplicar

Si está colectando los beneficios de desempleo, es muy probable que también es elegible para los beneficios de SNAP. Se puede usar los beneficios de SNAP para comprar alimentos en supermercados, tiendas de conveniencia, algunos mercados de agricultores y otros programas de alimentos. Si tiene un hijo que está en los grados K-12, también recibirá automáticamente los beneficios P-EBT cuando sea aceptado para SNAP.

2. Distribución y Despensas de Comida

Para residentes de Revere:

Consulte el sitio web de la Ciudad para las actualizaciones más recientes sobre las formas de asistencia de comida disponibles. Hay unos folletos para la asistencia disponible en agosto que están en el sitio web en inglés, español, portugués y árabe. Los recursos disponibles incluyen una despensa semanal de comida, unos programas de servicio de comida “pop-up,” el desayuno y almuerzo gratis para niños menores de 18 años, la entrega de comida, mercados móviles y más.

Para residentes  de Chelsea:

Consulte el sitio web de la Ciudad y la página de Facebook de la Chelsea Hunger Network para obtener la información más reciente sobre la asistencia de comida disponible. Los recursos disponibles incluyen despensas “pop-up”, el programa Chelsea Summer Eats para Niños y Adolescentes y el programa del tarjeta de débito de alimentos de Chelsea.

Programa de tarjeta de débito de alimentos de Chelsea:

Los residentes elegibles pueden recibir una tarjeta de débito precargada para comprar comestibles y productos para bebés en las tiendas locales de Chelsea. Las solicitudes deben presentarse antes del 17 de agosto. Haga clic aquí para obtener más información y presentar una solicitud.

Para los residentes de otras ciudades:

Llame a la línea directa de Project Bread FoodSource al 1-800-645-8333 para que le conecten con los recursos de comida en su comunidad. La línea directa está abierta de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 7 p.m. y los sábados de 10 a.m. a 2 p.m., y pueden atender llamadas en 160 idiomas diferentes.


Housing Resources / Recursos Para Vivienda

If you anticipate that this drop in income will make it difficult or impossible for you to pay your rent, you should know that you have rights and there are resources available to you.

There is an eviction moratorium in Massachusetts through October 17, 2020. This means that your landlord legally cannot try to evict you, even if you have not paid your rent. During this eviction moratorium, your landlord should NOT:

  • Move your belongings out of your apartment
  • Change your locks, a “lockout”
  • Shut off your utilities, a “utility shut-off”
  • Interfere in any way with your use of the unit

If your landlord does any of these things or threatens to do any of these things, you have rights and you can take steps to stop them.

1. Mediation Services via The Chelsea Collaborative
Call 617-889-6080 to get help talking to your landlord to mediate the situation without getting the police or courts involved.

2. Free Legal Aid

  • Greater Boston Legal Services: 617-603-1807
  • Mass Housing Court (Eastern division): 617-788-8485
  • MetroWest Legal Services: 508-620-1830 or 1-800-696-1501

3. Rental Assistance Funds 

If you need assistance paying your rent, there are funds available. Call the CONNECT Hotline at 617-712-3487 to see if you are eligible for RAFT or ERMA emergency rental assistance and, if so, to apply.
It is important to note that while the eviction moratorium means you cannot be evicted, it does NOT mean that your rent is “cancelled” for the months covered by the eviction moratorium. If you are able to continue paying rent, even if it is just a portion of the full payment, you should absolutely continue to do so, so that you do not owe tremendous amounts of money to your landlord when the moratorium is lifted. 


Si imagina que este descenso de ingreso hará que le resulte difícil o imposible pagar la renta, debe saber que tiene derechos y que hay recursos disponibles para usted.

Hay una moratoria de desalojos en Massachusetts hasta el 17 de octubre de 2020. Esto significa que legalmente el dueño de su apartamento no puede intentar de desalojarlo, aún si usted no le ha pagado la renta. Durante esta moratoria de desalojos, su dueño NO debe:

  • Echar sus pertenencias de su apartamento,
  • Cambiar las cerraduras, un “cierre”
  • Cortar sus utilidades, un “corte de utilidades” o
  • Impedir de cualquier manera su uso del apartamento.

Si su dueño de apartamento hace o amenaza con hacer alguna de estas cosas, usted tiene derechos y puede tomar medidas para detenerlo.

1. La Colaborativa de Chelsea ofrece unos servicios de mediación.
Llame al 617-889-6080 para obtener ayuda para hablar con su dueño y mediar la situación sin involucrar ni a la policía ni a los tribunales.

2. Servicios gratuitos de asistencia legal

  • Greater Boston Legal Services: 617-603-1807
  • Metro Housing Court (división este): 617-788-8485
  • MetroWest Legal Services: 508-620-1830 o 1-800-696-1501

3. Fondos de asistencia para la renta
Si necesita ayuda para pagar la renta, hay fondos disponibles. Llame a la línea directa de CONNECT al 617-712-3487 para ver si es elegible para la asistencia de emergencia para la renta de RAFT o ERMA y, si es así, para solicitarla.

Es importante tener en cuenta que la moratoria de desalojos solamente significa que no puede ser desalojado, y NO significa que su renta está “cancelada” para los meses cubiertos por la moratoria. Si puede seguir pagando la renta, aún si es solamente una parte del pago completo, debe continuar haciéndolo, para que no deba una cantidad enorme a su dueño cuando el Estado levante la moratoria.

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