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The Art of Civil Conversations: 9 Parent Strategies


Posted in: Grade SchoolParenting ConcernsTeenagersYou & Your Family

Topics: Child + Adolescent DevelopmentCulture + SocietyRelationships

“Are you out of your mind? You’re not old enough to go to a climate change demonstration. What do you even know about the climate? Besides, we’re in the middle a pandemic. Enough said!” 

So says the parent, and turning to leave the room, we see the 13-year-old daughter’s eye-roll.

Does this “conversation” sound similar to one you might have experienced with a parent or guardian when you were growing up? It’s hardly a conversation – more of a harsh proclamation. But instances like this occur far too often.

In the last four years, all of us have experienced significant divisions in our nation and witnessed the most uncivilized arguments, and this has extended to families. Much of the fighting has been due to political divides, and it has been highly emotional, often with stand-alone, one-sided pronouncements like the one above, rather than being based on factual data by people who are clearly and calmly expressing their differences.

Sadly, this uncivilized process has invaded our homes – we all have been under siege. This kind of discourse has found a place in popular media, including very often in the news. Turn on any digital device, and what we hear is a lot of one-sided rants. In addition, due to the pandemic, many families have been living in close quarters with each other while at the same time enduring feelings of extraordinary isolation, laced with worry and uncertainty. For many families, all of this incredible stress has culminated in conversations that are far from civil.

How can we improve this situation, which clearly does not promote healthy growth and well-being for our kids? Like most things that influence development, sound behavior should start at home. Let’s look at what key elements make for healthy, collaborative communication.

First and foremost, think developmentally. We naturally will have different ways of talking with our pre-school, school-age, teenage, and young adult children, as well as with other caregivers at home.

A Guide for Civil Conversation

1. Demonstrate Respect. Whatever the topic or issue is, begin with making it clear that everyone’s ideas and opinions are worthy. This is true for children of all ages. When we talk with each other, demonstrating respect and the value of the other person is vital. Even if we might think that their position is irrational, or that they are too young or inexperienced to understand the subject, give them the honor that they are worthy of expressing themselves. No civil conversation can begin if someone feels disparaged – even a young child.

As caregivers, a key part of showing respect, especially for younger kids, is being mindful of your non-verbal responses – scowling, sighing, rolling your eyes. And speaking of eyes, particularly with kids, speak to them at eye level, rather than standing over them, and maintain eye contact.

2. Listen and Try to Understand the Other Point of View. Listening is a skill and an art:

  • Try not to interrupt.
  • Ask questions if you don’t understand why someone feels or thinks a certain way.
  • Try not to make assumptions about the other person’s ideas.
  • Repeat back what you heard and ask if you got it right.
  • Ask them to share back with you your point of view.

Don’t quickly dismiss something you disagree with, walk away, or make nasty comments about another’s position. We all take our ideas to heart, and dismissing someone else’s position as stupid, foolish, or unworthy of considering can inflame their emotions or cause feelings of worthlessness.

3. Beware of Attacking the Person. It is already common to take disagreements as personal, even when they are not. No civil conversation is helped by directly calling another family member foolish or ridiculous, or blaming or threatening them in the middle of a discussion. Focus your reactions on the topic at hand – not the person. Ask open ended questions to clarify their position. For example, say, “I really don’t understand what you mean. Can you tell me more about what you are thinking, and how you came to that conclusion?” Or, “How would you solve this problem?” If you or your child is out of line, or speaking in a hostile way, you might ask, “Can we try that again?” or say, “Wait, I was not being nice, let me start over.”

Our job with our kids, partners, and friends is to discuss ideas, positions, and solutions  – not who the person is.

4. Use Empathy. This can be a tough one. But try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Try to feel and appreciate where they’re coming from. This may be feeling their emotions, or considering the path that brought them to a conclusion. While you may still disagree, you probably will find some common ground on most topics. And while your opinion or solutions may differ, if your child or teen senses you can understand why and how they are thinking, they are more likely to hang in and listen to your point of view – and maybe even use the same empathic skill to walk in your shoes.

5. Take Turns and Tell Stories. It can be easy for parents to talk over kids. Make a point to take turns when having conversations, without interrupting when your child talks. A great way of taking turns is by asking your child or teen (or them asking you) to tell a story from their life that captures their point of view. For example, if they are arguing for more screen time, let them tell you a narrative of how they have used screen time, even if it was playing a game, and what they got out of it. Narratives are harder to interrupt than proclamations.

 6. Accept Being Wrong and Ask for Advice. In many hot conversations, it’s common to begin by thinking we are right. But if we keep an open mind, we just might learn something from our kids. For example, a teen might want to take a break from Zoom, miss a class, or hand in an assignment late. Most parents are apt to think, “Nope, your job is to do what is assigned in a timely fashion. That’s that!” But sometimes a kid is really anxious or stressed, or just needs a break from the difficulties of remote learning. Ask them for advice; for example, “What specially would you suggest I do?” If they can present this in a heartfelt, practical, and sincere way, what’s the harm in considering their point of view and supporting an extension?

 7. Don’t Be Afraid to Disagree. What family has no disagreements? It’s unheard of. But there are healthy and growth-promoting ways to voice opposition, and other ways that just fan the flames. Encourage kids of all ages to disagree with a house rule and discuss it in a civil way – even things outside the family such as a school policy, or a social or political issue. It’s empowering for kids to engage with their parents, and it’s invaluable for them to learn how to articulate their point of view and have their opinion be considered.

8. Role Play. As a follow-up to the last point, caregivers, parents, older siblings, or other family members can role play disagreements in front of younger children. Having a civil argument over virtually anything is incredibly useful, particularly if it displays all of the points above – respect, empathy, listening, taking turns, asking clarifying questions, and coming to an agreement (or agreeing to disagree in some situations, such as staying up far too late to promote healthy well-being). It’s always best to take a position of humility and curiosity when engaged in conversation.

9. Have Frequent, Ongoing Conversations. Whether we disagree or agree on a particular topic, it’s always valuable to have a number of conversations, particularly about complicated topics. This encourages going deeper and giving the other person time to think about what was discussed, especially on important concepts that are difficult. And it’s always a good idea if the conversation is heating up to take a time out, and agree to come back to it later. All conversations take practice. The more we practice, the better we become.

These suggestions apply to all of us, whether we are coming to these conversations as a parent or other caring adult, or as a partner, colleague, or community member. As a career educator, I want my students to push back. As a parent and grandparent, I want the same thing. Yet I have to admit that at times I have fallen prey to authoritarian positions. We all have. But I hope that my discussions will remain civil.

With practice, we can catch ourselves when we go astray and reframe our thoughts and emotions to engage in fruitful conversations. These interactions are not only are a way of teaching and learning but an invaluable means of feeling closer to others and better about ourselves.

Spring Programs for teens from Cambridge Health Alliance

Teen Relationships 101 Spring Break Series for High School Students

Cambridge Health Alliance’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Program is hosting a program for high schoolers during April break! From April 19th-23rd, we’ll be offering a new virtual workshop series called ‘Teen Relationships 101’. Open to all 9th to 12th graders in Everett, Revere, Malden, Somerville, Cambridge, Chelsea, and Winthrop, students will meet daily with Community Health Educators to discuss all things dating and relationships in 2021. Topics include: consent, boundaries, and what healthy relationships look like today. Students will get to meet other students in their community, engage in activities and conversations, and come up with creative ways to share this knowledge with others. This program is free-of-cost and will take place each day of April break from 2:30-4pm. To take part, students need to fill out a registration form at by April 11th. Please share this opportunity with any teens who you think might be interested!


Teen Health, Love, & Relationship Workshop Series for Middle School Students

Cambridge Health Alliance’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Program is expanding our after-school programming! Starting on April 1st, we’ll be offering a new virtual workshop series for 7th and 8th graders called ‘Teen Health, Love, and Relationships’. Open to all 7th and 8th graders in Everett and Revere, students will meet weekly with Community Health Educators to discuss teen-centric health topics including healthy relationships, consent, anatomy, and reproductive health. Students will get to meet other students in their community, engage in activities, & even have opportunities to win incentives. This program is free-of-cost and will take place on Thursday afternoons at 3:30pm beginning April 1st and going through early June. To take part, students only need to join our group on the Remind app using the code @ermid21.

Your Voice in Harvard Museums / Tu voz en los museos de Harvard

Participate in the Hear Me Out/Escúchame Project for teens and young adults at the Harvard Museums of Science & Culture.

Learn about the project and register for the next session’s information.


  • Saturday, April 17, 4–6 pm
  • Wednesday, April 21, 3–5 pm

How to Register for the Session Information. If you are….


  • interested in learning more about the Hear Me Out/ Escúchame project
  • a Chelsea or Somerville resident
  • in high school or graduated
  • between the ages of 14 and 19, and
  • you have access to a cellphone or computer with wifi, you can apply!

Register for the workshop by April 15 to receive the workshop materials in advance.

Sign up with friends! Immigration status does not matter.

Thanks for your help, your participation is important!


Hola! Participa en el proyecto Hear Me Out/Escúchame para jóvenes en los Museos de Ciencias y Cultura de Harvard.

Para saber más sobre el proyecto regístrate para las próximas sesiones informativas.

  • Sábado, 17 de abril, 4-6 pm
  • Miércoles, 21 de abril, 3-5 pm

Puedes registrarte para las sesiones informativas si…

  • quieres saber más sobre el proyecto Hear Me Out/ Escúchame
  • vives en Chelsea o Somerville
  • estás en la escuela secundaria o te graduaste recientemente
  • tienes entre 14 y 19 años; y
  • tienes acceso a una computadora o teléfono móvil con internet, ¡puedes aplicar!

Regístrate al taller informativo antes del 15 de abril para recibir los materiales con anticipación.

¡Invita también a tus amigas/os/xs! El estado migratorio no importa.

Gracias por tu ayuda, tu participación es importante.


Local Job Opportunities

Community Health Workers (CHWs)

MGH strives to advance health equity, improve health outcomes, and promote well-being of our primary care patients by addressing health-related social needs, system navigation, and care coordination as standard of care. Community Health Workers (CHWs) are an integral part of achieving these goals. CHWs are trusted members of the community who help patients improve access and coordinate their health care. CHWs have the skills and experience to understand their patients’ circumstances. By building trusting relationships and walking alongside their patients, CHWs help address medical and psychosocial needs in order to promote self-efficacy, help patients meet their goals, and improve health outcomes.

Bilingual Candidates Spanish a Plus!

Community Health Worker ID: 3150302

More info:


Revere Works Community Coordinator

MassUP is a State-funded partnership that aims to produce better health, lower costs, and reduced health inequities across communities and populations in Massachusetts through effective collaboration among government, health care systems, and community organizations. In June 2020, the MGH CCHI, the Revere Works coalition, and the Chelsea Good Jobs Coalition were awarded a 3-year, $650,000 grant from the MassUP investment program to work with community and municipal partners in Chelsea and Revere to innovate and enhance workforce development and economic mobility systems and policies. This position is based in Revere at Women Encouraging Empowerment, Inc. (WEE ). WEE is a community-based organization that has served Revere for over 10 years.

More info:



(Chelsea) Good Jobs Coalition Coordinator

The Good Jobs Coalition Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the activities of a city-wide coalition established in 2018 whose members currently include approximately 10 senior staff from local non profit organizations, local government, a community college, and a workforce board. The main responsibility of the Coordinator is to help keep the Coalition on track as it implements the newly developed (still draft) GJC Workplan, which was derived in part from the City of Chelsea’s Workforce Development Action Plan.


More info:



Night Market Manager

The Night Market is an open-air market and arts venue series, a pilot program that will feature the cultural, culinary, and creative wealth of Shirley Avenue in Revere and is funded in part by a generous MassDevelopment TDI Creative Catalyst grant. The consultant/consultant team will be working in collaboration with The City of Revere, Revere CARES, Healthy Community Initiatives/Revere on the Move, and the Neighborhood Developers (Shirley Ave Night Market Team).


More info:

April Vacation Opportunities

Highland Street Foundation and the Patriots Foundation are pleased to partner with the following organizations to provide free opportunities during Spring Week (April school vacation). Please note that some of these activities require registration and have limited capacity. If you need additional information or have questions, please visit or reach out to Brian McNulty (

Monday, April 19

Atlantic White Shark Conservancy – FREE ADMISSION

Please know there are capacity limitations and advanced registrations are required and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Address is 235 Orleans Road, North Chatham. Click here for registration and use coupon code “freefun”.

MA Audubon Drumlin Farm – FREE ADMISSION

Please know there are capacity limitations and advanced registrations are required and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Address is 208 S Great Road, Lincoln. Click here for registration.

New Bedford Whaling Museum – FREE ADMISSION

Please know there are capacity limitations and advanced registrations are required and will be issued on a first-come, first served basis. Address is 18 Johnny Cake Hill, New Bedford.

Tickets will be available on April 15. Click here for registration.

The Hall at Patriot Place – FREE ADMISSION (10 SLOTS PER HOUR) Tickets will be issued on a first-come, first served basis. Address is 2 Patriot Place, Foxborough. Click here for registration.

Tuesday, April 20

Capron Park Zoo – FREE ADMISSION

Please know there are capacity limitations and advanced registrations are required and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Address is 201 County Street, Attleboro. Click here for registration.

Charles River Watershed Association: “Herter Park – Self Guided Tour & Family-Friendly Bingo Game” FREE

Time: 9:30-11:30 AM

Location: Herter Park, 1175 Soldiers Field Road, Boston, MA. Access by MBTA Bus Routes 70 or 86 (along Western Avenue), Everett Street stop. CRWA table will be obvious on the path between the parking lot and Amphitheater (near the community gardens).

Click here for more information.

Franklin Park Zoo – FREE ADMISSION between 9AM and 1PM

Please know there are capacity limitations and advanced registrations are required and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Address 1 Franklin Park Road, Boston. Click here for registration.

Frog Pond Carousel – FREE ADMISSION

No advance registration required. Participants may have to wait in line, socially distanced. Address is Boston Common, Beacon Street, Boston. For more information, click here.

MA Audubon Broad Meadow Brook – FREE ADMISSION

Advanced registrations are required and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Address is 414 Massasoit Road Worcester. Click here for registration.

Wednesday, April 21

Greenway Carousel – FREE ADMISSION

Please know there are capacity limitations and advanced registrations are required and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Address is Rose Kennedy Greenway (across from Long Wharf)

Click here for registration.

Larz Anderson Auto Museum – FREE ADMISSION

No advance registration required. Participants may have to wait outside in the Park before entering the Museum. Address is 15 Newton Street, Brookline.

Click here for more information.

MA Audubon Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary – FREE ADMISSION 

Please know there are capacity limitations and advanced registrations are required and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Address is 260 Winslow Cemetery Road, Marshfield. Click here for registration.

Pilgrim Hall Museum – FREE ADMISSION

Advanced registrations are required and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Address 75 Court Street, Plymouth. Click here for registration.

Stone Zoo – FREE ADMISSION between 9AM and 1PM

Please know there are capacity limitations and advanced registrations are required and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Address is 149 Pond Street, Stoneham. Click here for registration.

Thursday, April 22

Buttonwood Park Zoo – FREE ADMISSION

Please know there are capacity limitations and advanced registrations are required and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Address is 425 Hawthorn Street, New Bedford. Click here for registration.

deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum – FREE ADMISSION

Please know there are capacity limitations and advanced registrations are required and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Address is 51 Sand Pond Road, Lincoln. Click here for registration.

Eric Carle Museum – FREE ADMISSION

Please know there are capacity limitations and advanced registrations are required and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Address is 125 W Bay Road, Amherst. Click here for registration.

MA Audubon Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary – FREE ADMISSION

Please know there are capacity limitations and advanced registrations are required and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Address is 127 Combs Road, Easthampton. Click here for registration.

Friday, April 23

Heritage Museums & Gardens – FREE ADMISSION

Please know there are capacity limitations and advanced registrations are required and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Address is 67 Grove Street, Sandwich. Click here for registration.

MA Audubon Blue Hills Trailside Museum – FREE ADMISSION

Please know there are capacity limitations and advanced registrations are required and will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Address is 1904 Canton Avenue, Milton. Click here for registration.

Tuesday, April 20 – Friday April 23)

City of Boston Story Walks (10 locations)

StoryWalks are an innovative and delightful way for children and adults to enjoy reading and the outdoors at the same time. Laminated pages from a children’s book are attached to wooden stakes, which are installed along an outdoor path. As you stroll throughout the park, you are directed to the next page in the story.

Volunteers Needed!

In order to better serve our community, TND is running a survey of the local community and will need people to help administer these surveys. This position entails going out to assigned addresses in the community of Chelsea and encouraging residents to fill out community surveys.

Could you share this opportunity with your network?

Volunteers must be 18 years or older and fluent in either Spanish or English (although bilingual is preferred). Volunteers will be working in pairs, walking door to door, so teamwork is required.

The program begins on June 15th and ends on August 20th, of this year.

A minimum of a 1 month time commitment is required, with shifts occurring 2 times a week.  Safety and onboarding training will be provided.

Apply using our form, here.

Looking for more information? The volunteer position description is attached to this email. Email  if you have any questions.

CB RSS Volunteer 2021 Position (2)


Wellness Wednesdays

This year has been one of uncertainty, transition, and growth for all of us.  As we continue to navigate all of these changes, the need to take time and engage in our own self-care and wellness is even more important!  Throughout this Spring, CPS has dedicated the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays as Wellness Wednesdays.  From 3-4 p.m. on these Wednesdays, there will be 3-4 different activities led by some of our amazingly talented colleagues to promote wellness, laugh, and build a stronger CPS community.  Please take advantage of these opportunities both to engage in your own self-care and to connect/reconnect with other members of the community.  This CPS Wellness Wednesday Calendar  gives a preview of the activities planned for this spring so mark your calendars!  Specific details will follow.  We look forward to seeing you!

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