The Bulletin Board is your place to find classes, ongoing programs, job listings, local contests, scholarships, and other opportunities. Events (one time & unique happenings) are also posted on the calendar.

The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds Monthly Newsletter

Your #HealthyMinds Update

August is National Wellness Month! Beautiful weather is still in full swing, and many families are finding creative ways to take care of their minds and bodies, both indoors and outdoors.

Encourage the young people in your life to think of ideas for bringing fun into your family’s daily routine. Whether it’s moving family dinners outdoors or setting up virtual game nights with friends, help them think outside the box and unleash their creativity.

Please check out our website for more resources, and help us to share them with others!

Visit Us Online For More Resources

Moving Towards Anti-Racism – Shrinking It Down

We each have an opportunity and responsibility to move our society towards anti-racism. On our podcast, Dr. O’Neil Britton, Chief Medical Officer at Massachusetts General Hospital, discusses steps we can take to create change in our communities. Tune in to learn more.

Helping Yourself & Your Kids Stay in Control

Everyone experiences anger from time to time, but there are many ways parents and kids can help one another to stay in control of their emotions during challenging moments. Read more on our blog.

How Should I Talk to My Child

About Their ADHD or Depression?

When a young person is diagnosed with anxiety or depression, listening to them and naming their struggles can help them feel relieved and understood. Read more about how to start these conversations on our blog.

Public Meeting for the Carter St. and Everett Ave Intersection Improvement Project / Reunión Pública Proyecto de mejoras en la intersección Carter St. y Everett Ave 

Join the video conference scheduled for August 24th at 5pm to learn more about the traffic signal, line stripping, signage, and other improvements to the Carter Street & Everett Ave. Intersection.

This meeting will be conducted via Webex.
Log in using this shortened Webex link:
Meeting Number: 133 181 1251
Password: Chelsea2020

Contact information:
Rebecca Wright at

Details on our website:

Chelsea: Get A Test / Chelsea: Hágase la Prueba

Help us stop the spread. Get tested, Chelsea!

Chelsea Square (near the Police Station)
-Thursday and Friday, from 1 pm-5 pm.

City Hall (500 Broadway)
-Thursday & Friday, from 2 pm to 6 pm.
Chelsea Square (cerca de la estación de policía)
– Jueves y viernes, de 1 pm a 5 pm

City Hall (500 Broadway)
– Jueves y viernes, de 2 pm a 6 pm

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