Introducing Healthy Chelsea new FoodCorps service members

Lindsay Lesniak is a current FoodCorps AmeriCorps Service Member serving with Healthy Chelsea since August 2021. She primarily works with second grade students and younger increasing awareness around gardening and preparing healthy food. Lindsay also works with the Chelsea Public School Meals, advocating for nutritious and culturally relevant foods as increasing seasonal and local produce in schools.

Lindsay holds a bachelor’s degree in Cultural Anthropology and Environmental Studies from Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York.


Rahul is a new FoodCorps Service Member serving Healthy Chelsea for 2021-2022. They will
work with elementary aged students in Chelsea to get them excited about nutritious and fresh
food. They’re from Georgia but consider Boston a second home after going to Boston University
for Computer Science and Mathematics. They also have a background in mutual aid, food
access work, and gardening. In their spare time they love birdwatching, cooking their mom’s
Indian food, and going to concerts.