Teen Breakup Violence, Self-Care for Teachers, and More

Your #WeCanManageThis Update
February is here! Winter is in full swing in much of the country, and many families continue to find creative ways to keep going during this tough time. In addition to important observances this month, including Black History and Teen Dating Violence Awareness, we also want to draw your attention to Random Acts of Kindness Week.


As an extra way to boost your family’s mental health this month, we challenge you and the young people in your life to do something kind for others. Giving and receiving kindness feels really good, and we could all use a little more. Follow us on Instagram for ideas and daily motivation, and tag us in your acts of kindness!

See below for the Clay Center’s latest updates, and visit us online for more resources.
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Teen Breakup Violence – Shrinking It Down


Breakups can be emotionally hard for teens, but we don’t always talk about the risk for violence. This month, guests Mary Dunne and Malcolm Astley of the Lauren Dunne Astley Memorial Fund joined our podcast for a very special two-part series on teen relationship violence. Please tune in for more on the complexities of breakup violence and what it means to be an “upstander,” and how helping teens to process “at-risk emotions” can help us to prevent it.


9 Self-Care Tips for Teachers


During COVID-19, teachers are feeling additional pressures on top of the normal demands of their jobs, and this can lead to more stress. Read our blog for tips on how teachers can regularly practice self-care.


College Students of Color


Despite the increasing diversity of college campuses, students of color still face racial disparities and discrimination. Read our blog for more on what colleges and universities can do to make campuses safer and more inclusive for students of color.
News + Events
Struggling with your mental health post-2020? Here’s what to do (Girls’ Life Magazine)


How can teens prioritize their mental health in 2021? Dr. Khadijah Booth Watkins shares tips to help young people take small steps in everyday life. Read more for her insights, and share them with the teens in your life to help them get started.

Inspiring kids to change the world (National Geographic)


Activism is a great way to create positive change in the world, but it can also benefit kids’ development and well-being. Dr. Gene Beresin shares insights on how to foster traits in young people that can help them become more effective activists.

Monthly Mindfulness:

Mindfulness Exercises

from Children’s Wisconsin


Practicing mindfulness can help kids manage stress and build resilience. Read more for mindfulness exercises to help the young people in your life get started.

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The more families we reach, the more we grow our mission to support the mental wellness of young people everywhere. Thank you for helping us to spread the word!


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