Chelsea Chamber Of Commerce 2021 Executive Director


The Chelsea Chamber of Commerce is actively recruiting a strong Full Time Executive Director with business
management experience to lead the Chelsea Chamber of Commerce.

We would appreciate help in identifying great candidates.

Thank you for your help!
Below is a brief description, please click here for the full job description.

The Chelsea Chamber of Commerce is organized to advance the general welfare and prosperity of the Greater
Chelsea Area so that its citizens and all areas of its business community shall prosper. All necessary means of
promotion shall be provided, and particular attention and emphasis shall be given to the economic, civic,
commercial, cultural, industrial and educational interests of the area. Chelsea is historically a largely low- income
Gateway community, home to a richly diverse population.

Our community has a vibrant and active business community ranging from large corporations to the typical Central
American “bodegas” that serve our diverse population.

Position Summary Description
 The Executive Director acts as the administrative officer of the Chamber and oversees all the functions of
the office and organization, serving as coordinator, advisor, membership recruiter and member advocate.
 The Executive Director shall direct the Chamber in accordance with the policies, procedures and by-laws of
the Chamber
 The Executive Director will manage all resources (including staff and volunteers)of the Chamber to match
effort of the strategic business plan and mission statement, as set forth by the Board of Directors, as well as
advancing the growth and prosperity of all business members.
 The Executive Director is responsible for full range of activities including not limited to create and
coordinate programs that will create growth and maintenance of membership
 The Executive Director will engage community members, city government, volunteers, business owners
and philanthropists in the mission of the Chamber

To Apply

Chelsea Chamber of Commerce is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.

Submit cover letter, resume and salary requirements
Joseph M. Vinard, President
Chelsea Chamber of Commerce,
308 Broadway
Chelsea, MA 02150

Volunteers Needed! / ¡Buscamos Voluntarios!

We are seeking older adults to understand the impact of Coronavirus COVID-19 on our wellbeing, cognition and behavior. IN THIS RESEARCH STUDY: You will be asked to complete questionnaires online or by phone, up to 4 times in the course of one year (initial, 3 and 6 months). Each session will take about 60 minutes. FOR MORE INFORMATION: You may call us at: 617-643-5880 or email us at: You may also scan the following code to start the survey. You are over 55 years old. You speak English, Spanish or Portuguese We are seeking older adults to understand the impact of Coronavirus COVID-19 on our wellbeing, cognition and behavior. YOU CAN PARTICIPATE IF: Each month, 10 participants will be randomly selected to receive a $25 gift card.
Es mayor de 55 años. Es latino y habla español, inglés o portugués. Estamos buscando adultos latinos mayores para comprender el impacto del Coronavirus COVID-19 en el bienestar y la memoria. USTED PODRÍA CALIFICAR SI: Cada mes, 10 participantes serán seleccionados aleatoriamente para recibir una tarjeta de regalo (gift card) de $25EN ES TE ESTUDIO: Se le pedirá que complete cuestionarios por internet o por teléfono, hasta 4 veces en el transcurso de 1 año ( inicial, 3 y 6 meses). Esto tomará unos 60 minutos cada sesión. PARA MÁS INFORMACIÓN: Puede llamarnos al: 617-643-5880 o escríbanos a: También puede empezar la encuesta usando el siguiente código:

NEW START Sometimes life can take you down a road with unexpected financial curves. We can help give you a new start.

The New Start program can help eliminate your outstanding balance in as little as 12 months. If you make on-time monthly payments, we’ll make up the difference.

Here’s how it works.

Eversource will review your account billing history and set a monthly budget payment based on the average of your regular monthly bill.

When you make your New Start monthly payment, a portion of your past due balance will be eliminated, or “forgiven,” reducing the amount you owe. The amount forgiven each month is calculated by taking your total past due balance and dividing it by 12.

As long as you continue to make your New Start payment, your service will not be shut-off for non-payment.

For example. if your budget payment amount is set at $150 per month and your past due balance is $1,200, for every month you make your required $150 budget payment towards your current bill, we will reduce your past-due balance by $100.

To be eligible:

  • You must be a current Eversource residential customer.
  • Your current account balance is $300 or more and at least 60 days overdue.
  • Your income falls at or below 60 percent of the estimated state median income.
  • You have applied for, and be eligible to receive, energy assistance funds, or be able to provide other proof of income.
  • You continue to pay your monthly budget amount on-time each month.

To begin please call us at 866-315-2496.

You know your child better than anyone. But even you have a few questions / Usted conoce a su hijo mejor que nadie. Pero incluso tú tienes algunas preguntas

COVID-19 is putting incredible pressure on families. You might be noticing your child is struggling in new ways, or that old problems are getting worse. Should you worry about your child’s behavioral health? We’re here to help you figure that out.

COVID-19 está ejerciendo una presión increíble sobre las familias. Puede que se dé cuenta de que su hijo está luchando de nuevas maneras, o que los viejos problemas están empeorando. ¿Debería preocuparse por la salud del comportamiento de su hijo? Estamos aquí para ayudarle a averiguarlo.



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